Hello! We are so thrilled that you have made it to THE FOURTH R: reduce, reuse, recycle, REVOLUTIONIZE We cannot wait to celebrate this beautiful Earth with you!
We cannot wait to celebrate the Earth together and unite in our fight for climate justice with our theatrical, multi media dance show, THE FOURTH R: reduce, reuse, recycle, Revolutionize presented at the Toronto Fringe Festival. Catch us before we head to Edinburgh to present at the Just Festival in August! We all know the situation: the planet, the people and the animals are in a really tough spot. Animals and resources are becoming extinct, the CO2 levels are rising and the Arctic is melting. But there is hope - and it’s US! Join us for this super upbeat and empowering dance show!
This show is suitable for audiences age 8-99. This past April, the project was shown to 15 schools across Ontario, reaching over 5000 school students.
Run time: 60 minutes Disclaimer: This production deals with topics of inequities.
Audrianna Del Campo: Audrianna Martin Del Campo is a Mexican-Canadian freelance dance artist and photographer currently based in Toronto. She trained in Emilia-Romagna under the artistic direction of Brigel Gjoka. Audrianna has had the opportunity to perform works by Ultima Vez/Wim Vanekeybus, Marie Chouinard, Daina Ashlee, Roberto Zappalá, Francesca Foscarini and William Forsythe. She is inspired by radical authenticity and collaborative creation with her peers spanning across artistic mediums. Audrianna strives to capture stories and concepts in a unique and compelling light that lends a new perspective to the viewers imagination. She is absolutely thrilled to be working alongside Dance Fachin presenting The Fourth R to schools across the GTA, combining her love of performing and her passion for climate activism!
Current cast from left to right: Derek Souvannavong, Abigail Hanson, emma bartolomucci.
Photo by Airian McLeish