🌎 Happy Earth Month 🌎
Currently in schools across
Ontario, Alberta & BC!
We cannot wait to celebrate the Earth together and unite in our fight for climate justice with our
theatrical, multi media dance show,
THE FOURTH R: reduce, reuse, recycle, Revolutionize.
We all know the situation: the planet, the people and the animals are in a really tough spot. Animals and resources are becoming extinct, the CO2 levels are rising and the Arctic is melting. But there is hope - and it’s US! Join us for this super upbeat and empowering dance show!
Our story follows the journeys of three characters; a fossil fuel investor giant, a consumer of all things, and a person who lives in a place vulnerable to the effects of climate change. These characters are representatives of groups of people globally that share climate experiences. As our play unfolds, we see how their daily actions contribute to the rising emissions and in the end their ability for empathy will be the only cure to the disease.
This show is suitable for audiences age 8-99. This show has been performed 58 times; across Canada (Halifax, Charlottetown, Edmonton, all over Ontario), and in Scotland (Edinburgh Fringe Festival).
Run time: 60 minutes (40 minute show, 20 minute talk back)
Disclaimer: This production deals with topics of inequities.
theatrical, multi media dance show,
THE FOURTH R: reduce, reuse, recycle, Revolutionize.
We all know the situation: the planet, the people and the animals are in a really tough spot. Animals and resources are becoming extinct, the CO2 levels are rising and the Arctic is melting. But there is hope - and it’s US! Join us for this super upbeat and empowering dance show!
Our story follows the journeys of three characters; a fossil fuel investor giant, a consumer of all things, and a person who lives in a place vulnerable to the effects of climate change. These characters are representatives of groups of people globally that share climate experiences. As our play unfolds, we see how their daily actions contribute to the rising emissions and in the end their ability for empathy will be the only cure to the disease.
This show is suitable for audiences age 8-99. This show has been performed 58 times; across Canada (Halifax, Charlottetown, Edmonton, all over Ontario), and in Scotland (Edinburgh Fringe Festival).
Run time: 60 minutes (40 minute show, 20 minute talk back)
Disclaimer: This production deals with topics of inequities.